Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pop goes the Rock....

     For those who are new to my blogs, welcome. For those who are wondering, "what's the deal?". I can only say it was time to change things up a bit. Over the coming days and weeks, I'll spend time talking about what led me to this new blog, but in short, I've always thought that an honest historic assessment of pop music is long overdue. While no one will mistake The Association with say, Bob Dylan, the quality of the musicianship and production of the former should at least be given serious consideration in the context of where we are today.

     As a kid growing up in the 70's, my love for Emerson, Lake, and Palmer was equaled to my devotion to early John Denver or The Carpenters. If the sales have anything to do with it, there were more than a few who shared my divided loyalties between hard rock and pop.However, most of my friends never knew of it because of my shame of being labeled as a lightweight when it came to my musical tastes.  Looking back now as a middle aged adult, it seems almost silly in which the way in which the burgeoning rock media attempted to elevate rock music (and it's stars) to a mythical status and pop music as a lesser entity. A look back at old Rolling Stone magazines reveal how pretentious many purveyors of modern rock music truly were. 

     I love a good story, and this will be the spot for many of them, along with some of the great music of our past, and present. Come along, send me your suggestions, and enjoy the ride with me. 

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